Dear Visitor;
Welcome to the site that can answer any of the questions you have in just a few clicks.
The Griffith Electric Team of Employees, with expertise in Lighting, Switch Gear and Electrical are available with the information, products and service you need to get the job done.
Click “About Us” and go to “Team Griffith” to find a Team member who best suites your needs or click on our “Locations” tab for information on any of our four locations, where you can go to meet a team member in person, purchase product through any of our 4 locations and receive the assistance you need to find the right product for the job.
Want to set up an account? Print a Customer Fact Sheet and Credit Application, complete the application and fax it into our Credit Department’s confidential and private fax and we will contact you.
Just browsing? Click the “Watt’s New” icon in the left border from any page and jump right to “Promo’s and Events” for quick access to our Electronic Newsletter and some of the latest news and information in the industry. Check our Calendar for store events, like Counter Days, click to view a list of Manufacturers or Products.
Looking for Green information? Ask our team, they can give you details on products and industry changes that will keep you in step with the latest requirements. Click on “Useful Links” or “E-Training”, too, to link with some very informative and useful sites to expand your understanding of today’s technology.
The goal of every employee at Griffith Electric is to provide the products you need, at competitive prices, honoring the standard of service established by our founders, William S. & Meta A. Griffith, since 1938. We are committed to helping you!
Thank you for visiting.
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